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SONY/ATV 音樂版權公司是由美國的 Sony Music Entertainment, 日本的 Sony Music Entertainment (Japan), 和麥可傑可森Michael Jackson共同組成的世界性音樂版權公司。 SONY/ATV 成立於1995年,在40多個國家設有分公司。

SONY/ATV版權所代管理的外國歌曲風格跨越各個年代,包括披頭四 Beatles、綠州合唱團Oasis、娃娃臉 Babyface、瑪麗亞凱莉 Mariah Carey、平井堅 Hirai Ken、化學超男子 Chemistry及久保田利伸 Toshinobu Kubota等。

而我們代表的華人詞曲作者則包括深受歡迎的創作歌手王力宏、盧巧音、陳忠義 Justin,流行歌手黎明、資深填詞人李焯雄、十方、周耀輝,台灣資深創作及製作人薛忠銘、吳旭文、陳耀川、李正帆,以及新銳創作人紀佳松、小冷、吳宣貝等。

SONY/ATV Music Publishing was formed in 1995 as a joint venture between Sony Music Entertainment, Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) and Michael Jackson. As a worldwide company, SONY/ATV has offices in over 40 countries.

Our catalogue spans the full spectrum of musical genres including Beatles, Oasis, Babyface, Mariah Carey, Hirai Ken, Chemistry and Toshinobu Kubota.

Our Chinese repertoire signings include the well received singer-songwriter Lee-hom Wang, Candy Lo, Justin Chen, pop star Leon Lai, veteran lyricist Francis Lee, Shi Fang, Yiu-Fai Chow, producers Jamie Hsueh (Zhong-Ming, Hsueh), Shermann Wu (Xu-Wen, Wu), Antonio Chen (Yao-Chuan, Chen) and Zhen-Fan Lee, and the talented Taiwan young writer Jeremy Gi, Xiao Neng, Xuan Bei Wu, just to name a few.